Positive Pregnancy Test — What Now?

Positive Pregnancy Test — What Now?

When you find out you’re pregnant, you’ve just discovered that months from now, life changes — and maybe even becomes unrecognizable. You’re carrying a new life in your body, and it’s time to prepare for your baby’s healthy development and arrival.

Probably the first thing you want to do is spread the news to your partner, your family, and your closest friends. But the very next phone call should be to your OB/GYN.

At Florida Woman Care of Jacksonville, our skilled and caring OB/GYNs, Daniel McDyer, MD, FACOG, and Julian Stephen Suhrer, MD, are honored to help you bring your baby into the world. That’s why we offer top-notch prenatal care to ensure you and your baby have an uneventful and happy pregnancy and delivery. 

Are you pregnant and overwhelmed with all you have to do? Follow these steps to keep yourself and your baby healthy until you hold your precious bundle in your arms.

Book your prenatal exam

Your baby starts going to the doctor even before it’s born! As soon as you know you’re pregnant, it’s time for your first appointment.

While you’re still in the family planning stage, we can help, too. If you worked with us while trying to get pregnant, our recommendations continue throughout your pregnancy. Many of them are helpful after birth, too, including staying active and eating a healthy diet.

Once you’re pregnant, though, we become much more hands-on: We keep track of your baby’s development and monitor your health, too. At your first prenatal visit, you can expect us to administer the following tests:

If we identify any underlying issues that may complicate your pregnancy, such as diabetes or prediabetes, we recommend treatments and lifestyle changes to either resolve or manage your condition. We also develop a lifestyle plan and an appointment schedule so that you know how to adjust to each stage of gestation.

Follow your recommendations

If you’re not already on a prenatal vitamin that contains 400 mcg of folic acid, we prescribe that immediately. In addition, you should make sure that when you eat for two, you eat more healthily than ever. 

The easiest way to think about eating is to avoid processed foods and focus on fresh, nourishing foods. Choose:


Too much caffeine may affect your baby, too. During prenatal visits, we discuss your diet and help you make nourishing choices.

Watch your weight

Even though you’re eating extra nutrients to help your baby develop, it’s important not to gain too much weight. Becoming obese or eating the wrong foods puts you at higher risk for a complication called gestational diabetes. The following guide gives you an idea of how much weight you should gain throughout your pregnancy based on your current weight:

Notice that being underweight isn’t ideal for your baby. We recommend you gain weight both to nourish your baby and to make sure you’re as healthy as possible.

Continue to exercise (or start!)

If you’re active, you may need to limit the kinds of exercise and sports you do as your gestation progresses. In contrast, it’s time to start moving if you’re sedentary! We recommend that you exercise and stay active throughout your pregnancy with fun, healthful movements, such as:

Avoid high-impact sports or those where you might get injured, including contact sports and horseback riding. Also don’t do hot yoga, sit in saunas or a hot spa. 

Keep your follow-up appointments

Your first prenatal appointment is essential, but so are all the following appointments. While your actual schedule may vary depending on your needs, such as a high-risk pregnancy, you can expect to see us at least:

Whether you just found out you’re pregnant or hoping to be so soon, get the prenatal care you and your baby need by contacting our supportive team in Jacksonville, Florida, today. Call our friendly office staff or use our convenient appointment form online.

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